
They meander through valleys, climb mountains, irrigate fields and disappear into the horizon. The Kafue, the Luangwa and the Zambezi are the beginning and the end of Zambia; three great rivers whose currents mark the rhythm of the country and whose light illuminates an overflowing and limitless landscape.

Zambia Safari
“If it is good to live, it is still better to dream, and the best of all is to wake up.”
Walking through a land untouched by man, living with the animals that freely inhabit its plains and forests and keeping quiet to listen to the voice of the Victoria Falls…
Time + Tide Liuwa Plain Leones
The country's greatest treasure, its wild wealth...
To travel to Zambia is to enter the unknown.

With open wings


Between June and September, when temperatures are warm but pleasant and rainfall is low.

Humid subtropical

Average 29°C

June to September

High temperatures and the possibility of rain almost all year long

NUBA experiences

Liuwa migracion Time and Tide Zambia

Follow the herd

Witness the second largest migration on the planet by accompanying the wildebeest herds by land, by kayak or from the air by helicopter. Enjoy an unparalleled event in a unique and original way.
Noche en el Liuwa Plain Zambia

Tuck yourself in under the night blanket while sleeping in the middle of nature

Fall asleep counting stars in what was once the Luwi riverbed, now dry, and feel the movement of the universe as you connect with the purest nature.
African Queen barco Zambeze Zambia

Experience an authentic steamboat on the Zambezi

Feel like Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn as they sail the calm waters of the Zambezi aboard the Queen of Africa, the mythical steamboat. Fall in love with the Zambian sunsets or whitewater rafting down the river to Batoka Gorge.


Valencia has become a mirror of La Paz, Mexico, thanks to an unforgettable evening organized by NUBA, hand in hand with La Paz Tourism.

Discover the best summer destinations for 2024. From gorilla encounters in Rwanda to private sailing in Croatia and safaris in Namibia.

Travel to Saudi Arabia, a land of contrasts and wonders, invites us to discover its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural landscapes.

Experience a unique expedition aboard Kontiki Expeditions' boutique yacht and discover the natural wonders of Costa Rica's Pacific coast.

The designer María de la Orden shows us that the Maldives, with its beaches and dreamlike landscapes, is the ideal destination for an unforgettable family trip.

Discover the exclusivity of Castello di Reschio on a trip to Italy that will allow you to experience the glorious past eras.
