
Long awaited by everyone throughout the year, summer offers more opportunities and occasions to enjoy our hobbies and break the routine in a different way. The days are long and warm, the streets are brimming with life and nature seems to sing with joy.

Wilderness Little Makalolo


Night under the stars in Hwange National Park

Sleep under the African sky in Hwange National Park and live an authentic “sleep out” experience in an exclusive Star Bed. Let yourself be enveloped by the glow of thousands of stars and the sounds of the night and enjoy an unforgettable night. Wake up with the sunrise, surrounded by the magic of nature.
Safari en canoa en Wilderness Ruckomechi


Unique Safaris at Mana Pools

Access the river belt of the iconic Mana Pools in Zimbabwe, one of the continent’s best regions for wildlife viewing. Explore the floodplains on walking safaris in search of elephants and other wildlife, or enjoy a spectacular canoe safari on the Zambezi River.
Matobo Hills Zimbabwe


The origin of mankind in Matobo Hills

Delve into the history of the Matobo Hills, strolling among its curious rock formations, and learn about the 20,000-year-old natural shelters and rock paintings that tell the story of the birth of mankind with a renowned archaeological expert.
Visita al Museo Lamborghini


Innovation at the Lamborghini Museum

Explore the Lamborghini Museum of Technologies in private and discover the fascinating history and iconic models of the brand. Tour the production lines and learn about the 60 years of innovation that are projecting Lamborghini into the future.
Góndola en Venecia


The secrets of Venetian gondolas

Visit an artisan shipyard in Venice and discover all about gondola building, with its centuries-old techniques. Sail along the Giudecca Canal to the historic Tramontin Squero, where boats were once built, and return to Piazza San Toma for an unforgettable gondola ride.
Roma en privado


Rome in private

Discover the monuments of Rome in private and behind closed doors. Listen to the echo of swords on an after-hours visit to the Colosseum; stroll alone through the Domus Aurea, Nero’s palace; or experience the beauty of the Vatican exclusively by accompanying the keeper of its keys, enjoying the Sistine Chapel in private with an art specialist.
Trekking volcán Ijen Indonesia


Ijen volcano trekking

Discover the enigmatic Ijen volcano, where the smoking crater and the blue glow of its sulfur flames create an incomparable natural spectacle. Venture on a trek that will take you through this surreal landscape in the heart of Indonesia.
Surf en Indonesia


Surfing the best wave in the world

From iconic Bali to the remote island of Sumba, Indonesia is a surfer’s dream. With the guidance of local experts, go out in search of the perfect wave, find endless tube tunnels and enjoy the thrill and freedom that only surfing can provide.
Blessing of water Indonesia


Water ceremony in Bali

Live a spiritual experience in a natural paradise, where magic and serenity merge. Enjoy a private water ceremony, a Balinese tradition full of meaning and beauty. Afterwards, enjoy an exquisite picnic among the lush vegetation and natural pools of Bali.
Laikipia en ebike Kenia


Laikipia on E-bike

Tour Laikipia on an exciting electric bike route, accompanied by a safari guide. Pedal through picturesque landscapes on this sustainable adventure, observing the fascinating wildlife of the region, from buffaloes and zebras to giraffes, oryxes, and elephants.
Safari a Caballo Kenia


Horseback safari

Explore African nature on a horseback safari, accompanied by a private guide. During the ride, you’ll have the unique opportunity to spot a variety of wildlife, from majestic zebras and impalas to elegant giraffes. Feel the thrill of getting close to these animals while riding through the savannah.
Cena privada en la sabana Kenia


Private dinner in the savannah

After an exciting day of safari in Kenya, enjoy a private dinner in the heart of the African savannah. With the last lights of the day as a backdrop, our personal chef will provide a unique gastronomic experience under the stars.
Vuelo en helicóptero Kenia


The jewels of the north by helicopter

Embark on an epic flight, from the Laikipia plateau to the Great Rift Valley. Admire secret valleys, sparkling lakes, and volcanic craters from above. Land and discover the wild beauty while enjoying a glass of champagne among stunning rock formations.
Recuperacion Jardines de coral en Maldivas


Conservation of marine life

Help conserve the Maldives’ dazzling underwater life by visiting coral gardens and participating in recovery and planting programs with a marine biologist. Discover the beauty of the reef and protect the biodiversity that makes the Maldives such a treasure.
Velaa Private Island Familia Maldivas


Your private island in Maldives

Wake up in your own private paradise in the spectacular Baa Atoll, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Surround yourself with crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches. Be the only guest, with everything arranged to suit you and an entire island at your disposal, to enjoy intimate and exclusive moments.


Your private island in the Indian Ocean

Discover paradise by booking your own private island, where adventure intertwines with relaxation to create unforgettable memories. Enjoy family experiences, from exciting safaris to relaxing spa sessions and aquatic explorations in marine reserves. Learn about Tanzanian local culture and contribute to conservation initiatives, all framed within stunning natural beauty.
Safari en globo Tanzania


Hot Air Balloon Flight over the Serengeti

Experience the silence of the savannah at dawn as you watch the first rays of sun illuminate the vast plains of the Serengeti from the height of a hot air balloon. After the flight, you’ll be taken to a strategic location among the trees, where you can enjoy a delicious breakfast and share the excitement of this unique experience.
Helisafari en Tanzania


Helisafari in Tanzania

Enjoy the exceptional luxury of traveling between reserves and national parks by private helicopter. Each flight becomes an exclusive and distinguished experience flying over the vast Serengeti plains, seeing the wildebeest herds on migration, or admiring the Ngorongoro Crater from the air.
Navecación Setouchi Japón


Unforgettable Setouchi Navigation

Step into the storied world of the Murakami Suigun, legendary sailors of the Geiyo Islands, aboard an exclusive floating ryokan. Navigate through the mysteries of ancient pirate hideouts and sea lanes, or indulge in the ultimate gourmet sushi experience with panoramic ocean views.
Sobrevolar volcán Aso Japón


Helicopter ride over Mount Aso

Take in the awe-inspiring beauty of Mount Aso from a privileged perspective, as you soar above its majestic landscape. Enjoy a breathtaking helicopter ride that provides a bird’s-eye perspective of the mesmerizing azure lake nestled within the volcano’s crater.
Private visit Sumo Japoon


Exclusive sumo experience

Immerse yourself in the rich history of this iconic sport alongside an expert guide. Embark on a private tour to uncover the secrets of this ancient tradition, culminating in an unforgettable visit to a sumo tournament – a rare and exclusive event held only a few times a year.
Calles Pintorescas de Corea del Sur

South Korea

A Tale of Two Koreas

Walk through the so-called DMZ, the Demilitarized Zone on the border between the two Koreas, with an expert guide on the complex history of the region and the countries, which have been separated since 1953.
Dos Mujeres Coreanas en un templo antiguo con Hanok

South Korea

The art of tailoring in South Korea

Choose from an infinite number of fabrics, colors and prints to make a hanbok, the traditional Korean dress or costume, customized and with the help of a renowned designer.
Opera Budapest

Artistic visit to the Budapest Opera House

Be immersed in the neo-Renaissance majesty of the Budapest State Opera and feel the exclusivity of a private concert in its gilded halls. Continue the musical journey delighting yourself with the melodies emanating from the ivory keys at the Béla Bartók Memorial House.