Articles on Oceania

In the heart of the South Pacific, there is a place that transcends the ordinary, where unspoiled nature is combined with the most exclusive luxury: The Islands of Tahiti.
In 2024, the travel universe expands with places that will take your breath away. Discover our exclusive selection of must-see countries for this year.
With the arrival of spring we travel to places that go beyond the tourist postcards. This Easter, let's fly to the most outstanding destinations.
On this World Beaches Day, we want to highlight the importance of choosing beach destinations that share our commitment to sustainability.
Remote, tropical and exuberant... The Tahiti Islands form a universe where dreams blend with reality. Explorers, adventurers, castaways, artists and lovers were led by fate to the calm shores of Polynesia, a crystal paradise floating in hundreds of fragments over the Pacific.
Aboard the new B787 "Tahitian Dreamliner" of Air Tahiti Nui, we landed in French Polynesia. The introduction of this new aircraft marks the renewal of the Poerava Business and Moana Economy classes, in addition to the creation of the new Moana Premium Economy where, through the largest windows ever integrated in an airliner, we can enjoy the arrival at this dream destination in the heart of the Pacific Ocean.